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May 23, 2014

Lumia Instagramer of the Week: Anthony Hunter

Instagram is more than just a great place to share your photos, it’s a great place to share your top tips and tricks too.

This week’s Lumia Instagramer is a great example of someone who does just that fantastically, both on Instagram and in other Lumia photography communities. As well as being an ace photographer, he’s also a super sociable guy, which makes showcasing Anthony Hunter’s work all the more satisfying. Born in Manchester, he’s lived for most of his life in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he originally worked as a photographer until following his dream to be a rock star. Now, a few years on, he’s a rock star Lumia Instagramer, but before we see why, let’s hear more about his passion for portraits, black and white pics and the amazing NBAN posse.


Which Lumia do you have and what do you like most about it?

I currently have a Nokia Lumia 925, but my Nokia love story began way back in 1993 with the Nokia 2110.  There have been many phones since then but never any other brand. My first cameraphone was the Nokia 7250 in 2003 and I still think it’s one of the most beautiful phones ever made. Now I’m really loving my 925.

What I like most about it is, of course, the camera. It’s truly amazing! Beforehand, I had the Lumia 900 and I didn’t think that it could get any better than that, but I was wrong. The Nokia Camera with all its settings is fantastic to say the least and the fact that you can focus on something and get the background out of focus with a phone is, for me, just wow!

Where do you shoot most of your photos and what sort of photos do you like to take best?

I click away pretty much all the time no matter where I am. But I take most of my photos around about where I live. I love to photograph just about everyting I can but my absolute favourite type of of photography is portraits I also love taking black and white shots.

What are your top tips for taking Instagram photos on your Lumia?

I’m relatively new to Instagram, so I’m not sure I’m the best to hand out advise but I think it’s the same as photography in general. Always take lots of pictures, don’t be afraid to try new things and just have a good time!

Which five Lumia instagramers do you recommend everyone to follow?

There are sooo many crazy good people out there but these are the ones that came to me straightaway.

@deepakkhoenie for his ace architecture picture
@hari004400 for his superb Hipstamatic photos
@nothingbutanokia this is for everyone who loves stunning phoneography. It showcases  pictures from the FABULOUS Facebook comunity: Nothing but a Nokia
@thephoneographer who started Nothing but a Nokia and takes lovely pictures from everywere he goes. Plus, I love to see what he’s up to 🙂
@davidhkmwp who works magic whith his night pictures and long exposures.

What are your favourite 10 Lumia instagram shots?


1. This is a picture of my daughter and her cousin that I  took against a white wall in our house.

2. This one I took on a walk down to the harbour. It’s maybe not something everybody would shoot but I think it’s quite beautiful.


3. My first attempt at longer exposure when I finally got my tripod


4. This one was actually taken with my Lumia 900 in Blackpool, England.


5. My second attempt at a long exposure, this time of a girl swinging fire.


6. I like this one because I think it has an old feeling to it even though it’s really modern.


7. Trying a little macro on a chestnut, which I thought looked funny.


8. A rainy day in the woods. A good example of a shot with the background out of focus.


9. I went to a restaurant today and while I was waiting I took about 30 pictures. This one’s of my fork on a black napkin.


1o. Sometimes you have to try the classics too. 
Here’s an old spiralling stairs.


11.Bonus pic 🙂 This colourful picture is copper eroding or rusting which is a bad thing I guess, but it looks beautiful.

We love the wonderful variety of Anthony’s shots and the window they give into his world. If you’re as big a fan as us you can find more of his pictures on Flickr and, of course, follow him on Instagram. And if you’re a Lumia Instagramer, and you’d like to see your work showcased here, you can either follow us on Instagram or share your best pics with #Lumia, or both. In the meantime, be sure to let us know which of Anthony’s photos you like the most, in the comments below.