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January 11, 2010

Windows Phone Geocast: 4 Top Applications For My Weekend Road Trip

Recently I published my Top 10 Apps for the Windows Phone platform. While they are my overall favorites my application usage changes depending on the scenario. As an example, while on a trip requiring air travel Bing is very important for its navigation capabilities. In the travel instance where I am using my own car that usage disappears as I utilize the dedicated GPS in my car.

This past weekend I traveled to Ohio to take my son back to college following his Christmas break. During that time I utilized 4 particular applications quite heavily.

  1. Live Media GPS by IncaX (for creating Geocasts)
  2. Glympse (for geo-position alerting to my Facebook and Twitter accounts)
  3. Twikini (for Twitter updates and communication)
  4. Facebook Application (strictly for uploading pictures and videos)

Now some of you might ask me how the Facebook application made this list while not making my top 10. Right now I only use it for mobile picture and video uploading tasks. I still use my HTC Ozone browser for all other Facebook interactions. I love the interface for the Facebook application and its rich functionality. Unfortunately it does not run well on my Ozone, being very slow to respond. So while it got a lot of use for mobile picture/video uploading in this scenario it still hasn’t gotten my personal stamp of approval.

In the following geocast, created using IncaX Live Media GPS, I discuss why these 4 applications are my personal 4 favorites for trips. After watching that check out the Geocast and Photosynth I did while on my son’s college campus (Geocast And Photosynth: The Portiuncula in Winter), or watch any of the additional ones via the links below.
*click around the various control interfaces in the Geocast mashup

Other Geocasts form the trip:

To see the interactions I had on Facebook and Twitter:

Michael Gannotti is a Technology Specialist for the Microsoft Corporation and the author of the blog SocialMedia Talk. You can also find him on Facebook and Twitter