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April 7, 2008

Someone has noticed what we’re doing

San Francisco, USA – Excuse us banging our own drum for a second but, Ewan at SMS Text News gave Nokia kudos for our blogger outreach work. He’s written an article about how different device manufacturers deal with bloggers, which in itself is really cool.

The sad bit though? Not everything is rosy in the mobile garden, with Nokia amongst the few exceptions, many manufacturers ignore bloggers completely.

Ewan writes

is the run-away leader in mobile blog relations. They’ve two main
setups that I’m aware of. There’s a Nokia USA blogger program and a
WOMWorld offering. As far as I’m aware anyone, whether you’re writing
about mobile or otherwise, can talk to the leaders of these two
operations and, provided you meet certain criteria, get admitted and in
the door, to receive test devices and so on.”

And, with the recent formation of our Social Media team, it’s sure to get better.

I also left a comment as a thanks, and added some elaboration of what we’re doing. I highlighted some stuff that Nokia has done in the past and said in summary that “Social Media finally is official at Nokia and we have a ton of people who actually know it. This time around, we are trying to set up a coherent, consistent, and for the long-run strategy to participate in the conversations happening around the Nokia neighborhood”.

Image from caseywest