We’ve got our mits on a brand new E71 and playing with it over the last 24 hours we can honestly say it’s as good as it looks. Once you delve inside the slick shell, the speed you can bounce around the menus is simply stunning. Mostly though, I’m looking forward to having to plug it in for a couple of days. Let’s see how it goes.
Meanwhile, if you’re hungry for more on the new Eseries devices, we’ve coralled all our stories here so you don’t have to hunt them out. First up is our live report from the event. This also includes a video of both devices so you can see just how neat they really look.
Fancy a bit of promo vid action? We’ve got plenty for you (well, two). You can watch both of them here. During yesterday’s launch we also got the chance to catch up with designers Valtteri Eroma (Head of Eseries design) and Benoit Rouger (senior industrial designer), who gave us some insight into where the products came from.
Recently, Charlie and Carita managed to bag some time with the product managers behind the devices. All their video interviews are available on the Nokia Conversations channel on Ovi.
So, hop around, have a look, read and watch and don’t forget to let us know what you think.