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June 17, 2008

Webby webby woo woo

GLOBAL – We’re not normally ones to blow our own trumpet but given that it isn’t entirely our trumpet to blow, we thought it’d be okay. See, last week a Nokia online ad campaign bagged top slot in the prestigious Webby awards. The Webbys are seen as the primary Internet awards and snapping one up is like strolling up to receive an Oscar (but with much less fanfare and rubbish goody bags).

Swedish creative agency Farfar actually picked up the award for its work on Great Pockets – an online campaign to highlight convergence and the job the N95 does. The campaign was entered under the Rich Media Advertising (promotional) category and beat off competition from Canon, HP, VW and Honda.

These things are better explained in person, so we caught up with Nokia’s man in the eMarketing director’s chair, Arto Joensuu, to find out what was behind the campaign.

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