The list of applications available for Nokia devices is big and growing every week. Right now well in excess of 3,000 apps are available (we’re waiting for Forum Nokia to give us a real tally) and with the advent of the Symbian foundation, which will make it easier for developers to create new apps, this number is set to expand.
Caulfield cited how “Nokia makes it easy to download all sorts of applications for its smart phones” and that has been the dislike of some carriers. Offering users the freedom and openness to do what they want with their device is the beat of Nokia’s smart phone heart and there’s no sign of that abating.
Whilst some networks have been slow to pick up the smart phone ball, and all that entails, Caulfield reckons that could be about to change. Nokia’s senior manager for technology collaboration for Nseries, Victor Brilon sees increased awareness as a driver behind the change. Nokia has long been beating the open, extendable drum and now its the turn of the networks to enable users to start hearing, and experiencing, the result. With new players hitting the market and more devices gathering sophistication and extendability (not just high end devices, but mid and low end too) it’s about time users were given the freedom to do what they want, how they want. What do you think?