I genuinely didn’t understand the purpose of it back then, though thought it was an interesting idea.
Since then I guess my mind has been expanded somewhat. Particularly when I take my view away from the developed world and into the broader context of emerging markets. In the video Jukka points out a recent
request he had from India to include Mobile Web Server in every Nseries device. As he points out, this highlights the difference in attitude in different parts of the world to new tech such as this.
So I’ve decided to take some action. I’ve downloaded the Mobile Web Server app and set up an account. Please stop by and take a look (Login is Guestaccount and password is iamguest). Not much on there right now,
but know that when you take a look, you’ll be doing so right from my phone. Howzat?
Meanwhile, if anyone can shed any more light on Mobile Web Server, and more importantly how you’re using it, then I’d love to hear (and see) more.