The tests on the 5800 XpressMusic were conducted by the people behind Things started off gently enough with a simple drop test, followed by a “walking on” test, where someone, erm, walked on the phone. Everything was fine, and remained so as the device was heralded, and we kid you not, into a washing machine (on a spin cycle), a freezer (at -20 degrees centigrade), dropped into a jug of champagne, held under a running tap, placed in the dustbag of an electric sander before being placed under the wheel of a car. Whilst the phone itself survived this final test, the screen didn’t, unfortunately.
Not surprising, reckon the testers and an easily repairable fix should such an event occur (in 15 years of owning mobile phones, I’ve never had one go under a car). It’s worth a look for the entertainment value of the tests, which whilst not conclusive, and vastly different to Nokia’s own rigourous testing, the videos do make interesting viewing.
Via Tube5800
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