GLOBAL – A couple of weeks ago we brought you ourĀ first impressions of the new Nokia Beta Labs site. Now the new-look site has been officially switched on, and already it’s awash with community debate and the co-creative juices are flowing.
Chatter and questions are already bubbling to the surface on new apps, including the only-just-released beta version of Contact on Ovi. The discussion forum is alive with activity on Nokia’s new breed of social messaging and IM application, with already over 30 threads of discussions, suggestions, ratings and bug reports flowing into the site from Beta Labs’ seriously active audience, already establishing itself as a great resource for anyone interested in tightrope-walking the cutting edge of what their handset is can do with the safety net of solid community support hanging beneath.
Likewise, discussions are brewing around the multitude of other beta apps that are currently available on the site, with constructive co-creative feedback beginning to pour in.
Have you had a chance to use the new Beta Labs site? Let us know what you think by scribbling your thoughts below.