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January 28, 2009

Nokia Fellows – innovating, but not in broad daylight

HELSINKI, Finland – Here on Conversations we’re always on the hunt for those engaging untold stories behind a product or service, the unlikely heroes pushing innovation, and ultimately stories that we hope give you a genuinely interesting glimpse under the increasingly transparent skin of Nokia. With this in mind we want to tell you about the Nokia Fellows, a collective of unsung minds within Nokia who’d normally (and now here’s the exception) go about their business untouched by limelight.

A bunch of the brightest and most influential technological experts working within Nokia, read on as we briefly shine the torch on how the Nokia Fellows affect widespread innovation within Nokia, and watch a video interview with Valtteri Niemi, the latest person to be named a Nokia Fellow.

This little-championed group of people are among the world’s top technology innovators and architects in research and development, and are crucial influencers within Nokia when it comes to pioneering new visions and strategies. Plus, their input stretches outside Nokia walls as they’re recognized for helping establish industry-wide initiatives and standards.

Valtteri Niemi is the newest and only the fourth person to become a Nokia Fellow. He joined the Nokia Research Center in Helsinki a little over a decade ago and has since made extremely significant contributions in the realm of wireless security and standardization, and now works at the new NRC lab in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here he is speaking on film about his recent nomination.