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May 21, 2009

Nokia 5800 Comes with Music sim free in the UK

LONDON, England – Tomorrow will see the Nokia 5800 Comes with Music edition go on sale sim free in the Nokia Flagship store, Regent Street London. To celebrate, the folks at the store have come up with a nifty little initiative, to both let people know about the new offering, but also to encourage a bit of device recycling. The first 100 people to show up between midday and one o’clock at the flagship store tomorrow (GMT) will be able to get a 50 per cent discount on the normal price of £299. The only catch, you’ll need to recycle two old devices to get the discount (and be first in the queue).
One of the two devices to be recycled can be a mobile phone, but the other has to be capable of playing music. Got an old MP3 player you no longer use? Dig it out, along with your oldest unused mobile and bring it along with £149.50 and you’ll walk out with a brand new Nokia 5800 and a year’s worth of free music downloads thanks to the Comes with Music package.

Comes with Music in the UK now boasts over 6 million tracks with more being added every week. You only need to download 18 albums over the year to make the purchase worthwhile, and that’s not to mention the fact you’ll also be one Nokia 5800 richer too.

Recycling is an important topic here on Conversations and we reckon this is a really neat way of incentivising people to recycle, and raising awareness of recycling in the upgrade process. I’ve been struggling for a long time to work out what it’d take to get people to rid their drawers of unused phones and get them back to be recycled, and this seems like a solid way of doing it.

If you’re in London tomorrow, free at midday, fancy getting your mitts on a Nokia 5800 and as much music as you can possibly consume, then get yourself and two old devices down to the Nokia Flagship Store on Regent Street. Arrive early, to avoid dissapointment! Only the first 100 people will be able to take up the offer.