As you should be aware by now, we have a few different streams you can follow. We have video, presentations, bookmarks, and, of course, this site. We’re doing our best to fill the streams and interact with everyone who participates in those streams.
Below, I’ve listed some of the newer streams, particularly highlighting some we haven’t properly promoted yet. So, read on and see if you’ve missed any.
The Nokia Conversations Blogbite
One of the newest additions to our collection of media streams is Blogbite, a short weekly audio summary of our top posts. We worked with Rob Knight and Dan McGrath to create a fun way to catch up with the week’s posts. A new edition is up every Friday afternoon (today!).
You can either listen by clicking on the player in the right sidebar of our site or pop the Blogbite feed into you favorite podcast app or add it to iTunes.
Not to be outdone, we’ve managed to include the Nokia Conversations Blogbite into the Nokia Podcast Directory, found in many Nokia phones. If you have the Nokia podcasting app on your phone, the Nokia Conversations Blogbite can be found in the Featured Podcasts listing (I’ll post soon about how to do it). Therefore, if you subscribe straight from your phone, then you’ll never have to miss another Blogbite!
A while back we quietly started using Twitter to see how it could be used to supplement the conversations we were already having on different streams. With that in mind, we’ve been using hootsuite to connect some of our streams to our Twitter stream. The idea is that is you can get a peek into what we are thinking when you see what we’ve been bookmarking (through delicious/nokiaconversations) and the videos we’ve been favoriting (through What’s more, during events, we find Twitter a great tool to spread the news via hashtags.
And not to turn @nokconv into an impersonal, mechanized, stream, we’ve also been tweeting (interesting?) things ever so often and interacting with those that @ reply us. Come follow us!
We’ve been happy with the level of re-tweeting, interaction, and numbers of followers. If you really want to know, the Nokia Conversations team is very careful about selecting a new stream, making sure we match expectations with what we can deliver. If we choose to use Twitter, it’s because we mean it.
Nokia Conversations mobile
Did you know that you can read Nokia Conversations from your mobile phone? Just point your mobile browser to the usual URL,, and it should format this site nicely for your phone. Alas, we’re doing a little plug-in trick, so sometimes we turn it off, especially during high-traffic times, such as during an event. But, most of the time, it’s on. We actually use it a lot.
We’re not the only ones doing this at Nokia
Our good friends at have recently created one single page for you to get all your Nokia streams. Located at, the page lists us and other Nokia blogs and streams. It’s a good entry point into all the stuff Nokia is participating in online.
And in case you’re wondering about that URL, (singular) is an alternate URL for us (as is But please keep using We are, indeed, singular.
Don’t forget the usual
Here’s the summary, including some that you should already know of:
- Nokia Conversations (posts)
- Nokia Conversations on YouTube (video)
- Nokia Conversations on Twitter (status updates)
- Nokia Conversations Blogbite (weekly audio summary)
- Nokia Conversations on (bookmarks)
- Nokia Conversations on SlideShare (presentations)