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May 26, 2009

Share your design knowledge

GLOBAL – In the true nature of Open Source, Forum Nokia is encouraging designers and developers to share their best design resources with the wider Nokia development community. To help oil the wheels they’ve got some top prizes up for grabs, and a whole heap of recognition. The Mobile Design Challenge will see three winners walk away with a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and the overall winner also bagging a copy of Adobe CS4.

To enter, all you need to do is contribute useful tips and info about user interfaces, visual approaches and interaction design to the Forum Nokia community. The idea is to create a deep resource of material that’ll help develop best practice and make life easier for the wider design community. The challenge runs until the end of this month and any contribution to Forum Nokia which includes the category “Mobile Design” added between May 7 and May 31 2009 will be considered as a competition entry (make sure your Forum Nokia contact details are included in your posts).

Forum Nokia is looking for contributions across the key aspects of designing for Nokia devices including design patters, UI components, CSS styling tips, jQuery info, mobile web design information and anything else you think might be intertesting to the wider community.

This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and experience, and garner that of others whilst you’re creating applications and widgets for Nokia devices.

You can check out the full details of the competition on Forum Nokia and don’t forget to give the rules a quick run down as well.