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June 11, 2009

Music and gaming come together

ESPOO, Finland – Today sees the arrival of a new type of game on N-Gage. Dance Fabulous combines gaming with music to create a new experience for users. The idea of the game is to score points by creating new moves to music for your on-screen avatar. What makes this one unique though, is that users can use any music stored on their device to play the game. Users can also download more music from the Nokia Music Store (great for Comes with Music users) so they can continue to get more out of the game.

Dance Fabulous was born out of a collaboration between Nokia, Interscope Records and music legend Dave Stewart. Cindy Gomez makes a big impact in the game, as both a pioneering new artist and as one of the first Avatars in the game. You can also play along to five of her tracks, including her debut single Again & Again.

Community forms a big part of game play as users are encouraged to share the moves and styles they’ve created through N-Gage Arena. All of this adds up to a whole new depth of play and the opportunity to make the game your own, as well as giving users a new way to listen to and consume music.

With the addition of Cindy Gomez, it also forms a novel way of introducing new artists to a wider audience. Not only is Cindy’s music in the game, but her Avatar’s moves have been recorded in a studio using motion-capture.

Combining the Nokia Music Store and N-Gage in this way makes a lot of sense. It’s an exciting and interesting innovation and it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out (and what you think – let us know in the comments below).

You can find out more about Dance Fabulous on the N-Gage site and if you want to give it a whirl (30 day free trial) head over to