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June 23, 2009

Change in leadership at Nokia Conversations

ESPOO, Finland – After about 18 months building and growing this site (with a great team and lots of support, mind you), I’m stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of Nokia Conversations. Starting today, I’ll be stepping out of the day to day operations of the site and ancillary channels. After taking my holidays in July, I’ll be providing support to the new guy (introduction coming later). I might pen a few articles in August and September, but after that I will no longer be on the team.

Read on for what this means for Nokia Conversations

In with the new, out with the old
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching the site grow from something unknown, to a peer among Nokia sites. I’m leaving the site growing well, on a good platform, and with a bright future. Nonetheless, I feel that now is a good time to put it in a fresh set of hands. This change will allow the new Editor-in-Chief to grow the site and activities in ways the I am not sure I could have.

Thanks to you
Of course, I owe Big Thank Yous to a ton of folks, both here at Nokia and also all of you who come here and read us every day. In the past few months I have sensed a change, one that suggests to me that we have now hit a new level.

I want to thank all of you reading us and linking to us for helping us grow so rapidly. Carita, JBC, Mike, and the new Editor-in-Chief will have their hands full feeding you with the great stuff they will, for sure, produce.

Now, back to work.

Image from hokacheng