Read on for what this means for Nokia Conversations
In with the new, out with the old
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching the site grow from something unknown, to a peer among Nokia sites. I’m leaving the site growing well, on a good platform, and with a bright future. Nonetheless, I feel that now is a good time to put it in a fresh set of hands. This change will allow the new Editor-in-Chief to grow the site and activities in ways the I am not sure I could have.
Thanks to you
Of course, I owe Big Thank Yous to a ton of folks, both here at Nokia and also all of you who come here and read us every day. In the past few months I have sensed a change, one that suggests to me that we have now hit a new level.
I want to thank all of you reading us and linking to us for helping us grow so rapidly. Carita, JBC, Mike, and the new Editor-in-Chief will have their hands full feeding you with the great stuff they will, for sure, produce.
Now, back to work.
Image from hokacheng