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June 29, 2009

Time lapse photography on a Nokia

GLOBAL – There’s no shortage of ways to get more from your Nokia and whether you’re a tech novice or a tech expert, there’s always something new you can do. Whilst tech novices can dip into the Ovi Store for application and extension treats, the more hardcore can simply write their own apps, like Didier Stevens did recently. He scribed a simple time lapse photography python script which does exactly what it says on the tin. The script dips into the camera application on S60 and takes a snap every minute until you tell it to stop. Didier’s done two time lapse videos which I reckon have turned out pretty cool. Take a look after the jump and let us know what you think.

You can pick up the script from Didier’s blog, but be warned that you should only use it if you know exactly what you’re doing. We (on Conversations) don’t, so until someone turns this into an app and makes it available on Ovi Store, we’ll be time lapse free for now. Let us know in the comments below if you’ve come across any other unusual uses for Nokia devices.