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July 2, 2009

What would you like to see in the Almanac?

GLOBAL – Next week we’re going to be running a series of pieces highlighting our new Almanac section here on Conversations (read about what the Almanac is and why we created it). It’s still in its infant stages, and we have a bunch of additions we’re going to be making over the coming months, including a mixture of the latest and greatest, as well as some old greats. But we want your ideas.

As for the stuff we’ve already got in the pipeline for the coming months, the devices include the Nokia N95 8GB, N82, N85, 3310, 7650, 6310, 2210 and 1100. Services wise, Nokia Life Tools is the only one inked into our plan.

Rather than run a poll where the options are dictated, we thought this might be a good place for you to post your suggestions below by listing the devices and services you’d like to see appear in the Almanac along with reasons as to why you think they should be included.

We’re keen to get all your thoughts and suggestions, so please use this as the place to voice all your Almanac wishes. We’ll be checking it frequently and pulling together the best suggestions from now on, so get stuck in and start hitting us with what you’d like to see.