Ovi Blog gets under the covers of Ovi and reveals what’s happening with each service as well as giving a glimpse behind how they’re developed. Recently Kalle Ojala, head of Product Management for Ovi Desktop products, lifted the lid on Ovi Suite 2.0, the application which enables you to sync, back up and update your device using your PC. Rather than just reveal the new version of the application, Kalle gave some background to the development, who was involved and why certain decisions were taken.
One of the hot topics recently has been Ovi Store, and the team made sure they were letting people know what was happening around the launch by posting regular updates on the Ovi Blog.
Just like the other Nokia blogs, Ovi Blog is all about the community that visit and engage with it. There’s no shortage of comments on stories and the teams involved in Ovi do all they can to respond to them. The key thing is feedback is listened to and where possible integrated into the bugs or features lists for upcoming releases. This kind of dialogue not only aids development, but ensures the services evolve and improve in the way users want them to.
If you’re an Ovi user you should check out the Ovi Blog and consider signing up for the Ovi Blog RSS feed. If you’re not an Ovi user, you should check out the blog and see what you’re missing.