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July 6, 2009

Just how rugged is a rugged device?

GLOBAL – When a new rugged device started doing the rounds internally recently, we decided to get all scientific and conduct a few tests. First job was to work out what tests we could conduct. Given that Nokia’s reliability lab do a lot of work on scientifically testing devices, we thought we ought to take more of a “real world” angle on things. We also figured it’d be a good idea to bring a video camera along to record proceedings.

What we’ve come up with are a series of videos showing off our experiments, and the results. The first two are live today and we’ll be revealing more over the coming days. We kicked things off (quite literally) with what we thought would be a gentle test, the traditional rugby kick. We didn’t quite figure on Mike’s lofty left foot though. Watch the video below to see what happens.

Our second test brought out what we thought would be the big guns. Now, we’re no pro golfers, but our years of hacking around pitch and putt courses have helped to develop something of a swing, certainly enough to send an object from one end of the field to another. Did the device make it out the other side? The results might just surprise.

Check back tomorrow for more vids and you can see the whole lot on our special Rugged page – please let us know what you think in the comments there.