First off – A big round of applause for Mr. Charlie Schick. As Editor-in-Chief of Nokia Conversations over the past two years, he’s done a phenomenal job bringing such high standards of content to such a vibrant online community. Together with JBC, Mike, Carita and the rest of the Conversations team, Charlie has created an engaging online space that delivers the same passion as Nokia’s biggest fans.
A bit about myself – I recently turned 30. I moved from the states (Baltimore to be exact) to Espoo, Finland in 2002 to work for Nokia (a lie, I came here because of a woman), first in the team and later to the S60 Digital Marketing team where I built and ran the S60 Blogs, authored the See Into S60 blog, hosted the Voice of S60 podcast, and had crazy fun meeting the S60 community at such events as An Evening with S60. (Darla!! 🙂 Lately you’ve found me launching some wild online marketing campaigns for Nokia’s services, such as “Open at Own Risk”, “WidSets Pets” and “Dance Fabulous Challenge”.
Outside of the office you can find me on the tennis court, playing board games with friends, or walking through the Finnish forests with my 7-year old Shetland Sheepdog, Oggie. (another lie, I’m reading blogs, posting on Twitter, and fiddling with my latest phone) You can even find me performing a little stand-up comedy around Helsinki. </shameless plug>
It’s a sincere honor and pleasure to be heading up Nokia’s official blog, as I’m truly humbled that you’d take time out of your busy schedules to join us in these exciting conversations. I have some new ideas for this space and I look forward to sharing them – but first I’d like to hear from you! How have you enjoyed Conversations so far? How would you like to see our space progress in the coming months?

…Here I am playing a little N-Gage in the grass…