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September 17, 2009

Meeting Marcelo

Nseries-portraitsRECIFE, Brazil – Meet Marcelo. Then meet his work colleagues, his friends and his girlfriend. Created by the folks over at Nseries, this is the first in a series of documentaries highlighting how people use and interact with their Nseries devices. It also offers a window into a scene I’m familiar with – how that use impacts others (Marcelo’s girlfriend was ecstatic the day he forgot his phone when they went to the beach).

Marcelo is a product designer, living in Brazil, who also collects video games, of all things. He describes himself as “completely geek” but unashamedly so. Unlike regular folks, Marcelo believes he learns and interacts in different ways, but also that he uses technology differently. He works in technology and is one of those who is always seeking new ways to do things, or present things.

It’s an interesting insight into someone who not only lives in a different part of the world (I think I need to go to Brazil, original home to Charlie and Mike here on Conversations) but clearly has a unique view on life, and the role technology plays in it. Later in the week we’ll be seeing the next episode in the Nseries portraits series, featuring New York based artist Thu Tran – I’m looking forward to it already!