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September 25, 2009

Shot, riot or pint?

A pint, yesterday.
A pint, yesterday.

LONDON, England – In a couple of hours, busy workers across Great Britain will indulge in the weekly institution that is the Friday lunchtime pint. Frowned upon in some countries, it’s almost (and I stress the almost) actively encouraged in the UK. As such, without any statistical analysis of any kind, I can safely assume that thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of people will today be invited to a riot at lunchtime.

Far from worrying, it is simply a combination of those busy workers’ haste and predictive text that poses such a threat. See, predictive text for pint throws up shot and riot first, so the texter needs to scroll through to get to the word he actually wants.

Given that, in the UK (and Ireland) at least, pint is a lot more popular than riots or shots you’d think something could be done about this. I’m not sure how, but it’d be nice to just have the word pint show up first, and then the option of inciting people to riot, or inviting them for a shot following on later at the texter’s choosing.

For some countries it just doesn’t matter, mostly because of the metric system, and sometimes because of language. However, in Albanian, Pint means drink, so there are some similarities and in Catalan (according to Google translate) pint means PINT which I take it to mean much the same, but more important. Of course, being an international unit of measure, the word pint means the same thing in many countries, even if it might not be as popular in use elsewhere as it is in the UK.

So, I’d like to see the word pint appear as first choice in predictive text, not third. Who’s with me?

If you have any other unusual examples of predictive text nuances, share them with the group below.

Oh, and happy birthday to Arthur Guinness for yesterday. Not bad for 250 years, eh. Honorary snap comes courtesy of Gorriti. Cheers.
