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October 13, 2009

Nokia HealthRadar chasing disease down

Dhaval Joshi (left) and Deepak Prabhu (second left) from NRC Bangalore introducing HelathRadar to health workers in rural India.
NRC staff from Bangalore show off Healthradar

GLOBAL – Tracking disease in remote parts of the world is a major factor in managing and understanding the spread of infection. Nokia HealthRadar is designed to speed up the tracking of disease using mobile devices. Like Data Gathering, which helps people on the ground monitor the spread of infection using mobile devices, HealthRadar goes a step further by enabling near real time access to the information.

The first and most important step of the software’s ability is data collection. Rapid and precise collection of information, which is then sent instantly to a central server, speeds up what is currently a time-consuming paper-based activity. The second step is the actual aggregation of the data which helps to build a picture of what’s happening and where.

Getting the information back to local practitioners is the third and final step, as it then enables them to take appropriate action. What marks HealthRadar out further is the ability to consume the data either on a mobile device or a PC, so the gathered data is useful to people in the field and those based in medical centres.

The software also features a Dashboard which enables users to quickly access key information including a daily update, a GeoHealth Map which highlights disease intensity alongside local health centres, the ability to compare current patterns against historic ones and statistical graphs.

Mobile devices can make a real difference where it matters, when the right tools are put in place. Check out the screen grabs below.

The HealthRadar dashboard
The HealthRadar dashboard
HealthRadar disease reporting tool: Simple UI is used for input, the application sends the information to the server using SMS channel
HealthRadar disease reporting tool: Simple UI is used for input, the application sends the information to the server using SMS channel
Inbox: Daily disease reports from grassroots level arrive as a message
Inbox: Daily disease reports from grassroots level arrive as a message
GeoHealth: Map based visualization of intensity of diseases in a geographic area
GeoHealth: Map based visualization of intensity of diseases in a geographic area
Patterns: Case meter visualization compares the present disease reports with the historic count, giving the stakeholders a clear view of the health situation

Patterns: Case meter visualization compares the present disease reports with the historic count, giving the stakeholders a clear view of the health situation