So does it make a difference? It would seem so, as our selection of videos below suggest. With over 50 per cent of the population in Indonesia reliant on agriculture to make a living, Nokia Life Tools brings a new level of control to them. Information is a key element in improving a farmer’s lot, as regular access to market prices means he can better negotiate the sale of his harvest. But it isn’t just work. Nokia Life Tools also enables locals to catch up on the weather, sports, news and horoscopes. With the mobile phone offering the only access to information for many people, the introduction of Nokia Life Tools is about as life-changing as it gets.
Nokia is working with local agencies and the department of agriculture in Indonesia to get up to the minute information and distribute it through the service. Kids too are benefiting, through the education aspect of the service which enables them to learn English. They also get to have fun with comics and such like showing up on their devices.
So think of a life changing service where you live. What would it look like, what would it need to do?
How Nokia Life Tools benefits locals in Indonesia
Nokia Life Tools and entertainment
Nokia Life Tools – Education