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January 7, 2010

Climate mission game hits Ovi Store

Climate-missionLAS VEGAS, USA – Like playing games with a conscience? That’s what the new S60 game Climate Mission hopes to help you do. Described as a fun game with an Eco theme, Climate Mission boasts four different play zones, each one boasting 20 levels of game play. The idea? A pretty simple series of games designed to help raise awareness of climate change.

Boasting touch screen action, the first game sees you helping an army of ants drag biomass material back to their ant hill. Steering them home is done using a series of touch gestures and, we weren’t aware, but ants are apparently quite good at storing biomass material and as a result, stopping it from releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

The other games are just as educational, including the simple jigsaw game which highlights how farmers in warmer climes such as India put reflective stones on their fields so they help keep the temperature down.

Based on a map of the world, the game will take you to different countries, highlighting how the local populations handle such things as recycling.

The game is available now to download for free from the Ovi Store for the Nokia N97, N97 mini, 5320 and the Nokia X6.