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January 13, 2010

Nokia Conversations on your mobile

Conversations-MippinGLOBAL – We’ve made some changes out back which mean now you can consume Nokia Conversations on any device you like, automatically. Thanks to the folks at Mippin, who specialise in mobilising websites, the mobile version of Conversations will work as well on any Series 40 or S60 device as it does on your tablet, booklet, laptop or desktop. Simply browse to Nokia Conversations on your mobile device and you’ll automatically be shown the mobile version.

The new version updates as fast as the main site does, so you’ll never be behind on what’s happening on Conversations. What’s more, because it’s a mobile-specific version, it’s light and speedy too, making it fast to access and navigate.

That’s not the only way to consume Nokia on your mobile though. Blogbite regulars will know that our weekly Blogbite is available in Nokia’s Podcasting directory, right on your device. You can subscribe to Blogbite through the Podcasting application on your S60 device so you need never miss an episode.

What’s more, we’re also working on a weekly email newsletter, which we’re hoping to launch in the next few weeks. This will give you a fresh weekly round up of everything that’s happening at Nokia.

Don’t forget too you can follow us on Twitter, watch our latest videos on YouTube or keep on top of the latest news via RSS.

Please suggest any other ways you’d like to access Conversations.