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April 14, 2010

In which hand do you use your phone? (Poll results)

handpoll_resultsGLOBAL – One thing we know for sure is that over 800 of you use your hands to operate your phone. But which hand do you prefer? In last week’s poll we asked you exactly that. It’s been an interesting poll to watch (we indulge in some poll watching from time to time) and one of the most highly contested. Now the results are in.

Are you with the majority? Read on to find if you’re a group of lefties, righties or an ambidextrous bunch.

As ever the poll was a close-run thing. Throughout the week it looked like you guys preferred to use both your mitts to send your messages.  At the last minute a flurry of right hand votes came flying in and bagged the win with 44 per cent of the vote. Does the hand you use have an impact on the phone you choose?

As we’ve hinted second place with 38 per cent of the vote went to those of you in the noncommittal camp. Opting to use both hands to operate your phones. It’d be interesting to find out what type of phone needs both hands. Do QWERTY keyboard phones, such as the N900 and the N97, lead to using both hands, or do some prefer to stick with the one? Do some of you use two hands on touchscreens? If you snaffle a new phone does the way you operate it change? Let us know.

Coming in third position were the lefties. With just 16 per cent of the vote if you use your left hand you’re certainly in the minority. Is there a correlation between your writing hand and the hand you use to keep in touch?

As ever the “other” answer made for some thought-provoking reading. Interestingly some of you use different hands to operate different functions on the phone. Texting and navigating with the right and making calls with the left.  Does this again come down to the type of phone you use? Let us know in the comments down south.