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June 28, 2010

OviDailyApp – Smile, please!

Nokia-N86-cameraGLOBAL – Even the most highly qualified professional photographers recognise that “the best camera is the one you carry with you”. With that in mind, the best camera most of us own is sitting on the back of our mobile devices. But cameraphones aren’t just convenient, they also add heaps of versatility. You’ve already got Bluetooth, MMS, upload to Internet photo sites and regular down-the-cable upload to your computer. But there’s much more you can do: this week’s highlights from OviDailyApp focus on how to make even more of your mobile snaps.

First up is Touch Baable. This app allows you to have fun with your photos before sending them on to your friends. There are four special effects – posterize, brightness, contrast and tint – in addition to the ability to add text bubbles and clip-art. There’s also a set of simple drawing tools in order to further incriminate the hapless subjects of your photo-trickery. Touch Baable costs £8.00.


Our second pick is Resco Photo Viewer. The name is a clue here as to the key point of difference from Touch Baable: it’s much more about finding and viewing your snaps. This app presents you with a catalogue of the photos you’ve taken with your mobile, which you can customise to show as many or as few as possible. You can set up a slide show from here, move pictures or simply view them as you please. Tapping on a thumbnail brings up the full-screen view. From here, you get controls to alter the brightness, contrast and colour balance of your pictures. Resco Photo Viewer is another £8.00 purchase.


Once you’ve shot, edited and otherwise manipulated your images, it would be a shame not to do as much with them as possible. This is where our final pick for this week, Ting!, comes in. Ting! might be regarded as a hack for your phone’s dialler application. It allows you to assign a photograph to any contact in your address book and when they call, you’re presented with a beautiful full-screen image – depending on how beautiful your contacts are! Ting! costs £3.00 from the Ovi Store.


So – that’s a bunch of added functionality for your cameraphone. But what’s missing? What are the photo functions that you’re waiting for app developers – or Nokia – to add to your toolkit?