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July 6, 2010

Which accessories would you buy for your Nokia N8? (Poll results)

nokian8pollresults_graphGLOBAL – Last week, we asked you: which accessories would you buy for the Nokia N8? You guys are clearly excited at the prospect of the new 12-megapixel smartphone, and it seems you’ve prepared your shopping list of accessories already. Over a thousand of you cast your vote. Is phone jewellery the most necessary accessory? Join us after the jump to find out.

Phone jewellery, was in fact the least popular accessory for the Nokia N8. Surprising? Sitting pretty at the top of the accessories tree for the handset was a protective case. It’s pretty interesting that you guys feel the need for a protective case. With the aluminium body on the phone, it’s pretty sturdy and completely scratch resistant. We’re guessing it’s the screen you guys would like to protect.

A close second goes to the MicroSD card, with 18 per cent of the vote. With the multimedia talents of the N8, it’s pretty obvious why you’d need the extra grey matter. What would you stash on the MicroSD card? Will it be pictures you’ve taken, films you’ve captured, or films you’ve downloaded? Let us know.

Jumping into third place, we have wireless headphones. Taking 14 per cent of the vote, it’s a pretty substantial chunk. Fourth place goes to the car kit which, in my opinion, is essential buying to make the most of Ovi Maps’ voice-accompanied navigation.

Taking fifth place is an add-on battery, with seven per cent of the vote. Sixth place, goes to the bluetooth earpiece and in seventh place is a stylus. With a capacitive screen on offer, is it habit that makes you use the stylus?

Looking towards the bottom third of the poll results, an interesting nugget is that only four per cent of you voted for the tripod as the accessory you would buy for the Nokia N8. Is there still a barrier between seeing the mobile phone as a bona-fide camera? Or don’t you think a phone needs a tripod?

That the option of a viewing cable only bagging three per cent of the vote was also a bit of a turn-up-for-the-books. Are you guys happy with holding the phone when watching films or TV programmes? Let us know.

Finally, the “other” answer always turns up some interesting ideas. A fair few of you commented that you’d like a physical keyboard and a mouse, others voted for a sport armband and a number of you called for a bicycle charger.

Anything else we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you want to check out the Nokia N8 again, don’t forget to watch our trio of hands-on walkthrough videos.