Las Vegas, USA – With the Nokia N8’s AMOLED screen, 12 megapixel (video) camera, Dolby Digital surround sound and HD video playback, Nokia N8 users are well aware their phone packs an entertainment punch. In fact, all you need to turn the Nokia N8 into a portable home entertainment media hub is a big screen. Big Screen is a new media player available from Nokia’s Beta Labs and is for users of the Nokia N8 and the soon to be released Nokia E7. Join us after the break for more details…
Taking advantage of the HDMI output capability of both these devices, Big Screen launches as soon as the HDMI connection is made (with a compatible TV), displaying all available media content right there on the TV. What’s more, taking advantage of the Bluetooth connection capabilities of the Nokia N8 and Nokia E7, users can easily configure any Bluetooth controller (such as a Wii game’s remote) to browse and play their content from the comfort of their sofa.
“Big Screen is another example of Nokia constantly working to help customers find new ways to use their smartphones,” said Jo Harlow, head of Nokia Symbian Smartphones. “Big Screen provides a platform for Nokia to deliver more home entertainment services to users of the Nokia N8 and Nokia E7. A smartphone is no longer just a way to access media content on the move: it has now become a portable media hub and one more way to realize the fantastic media capabilities of our latest smartphone range.”
Who’s excited about Big Screen? Share your comments with us below!