GLOBAL – Nokia recently sponsored the international Social Media Week, a series of 600+ conferences, seminars and meet-ups across the world for people who are interested in Facebook, Twitter and the like. You may recall that we wrote a series of articles about Nokia’s involvement with social media as part of the week’s events. But how else did Nokia show its presence?
In the second week of February, more than 30,000 blog posts and status updates were generated from attendees and other interested parties. A substantial number of these mentioned the Nokia sponsorship or the #nokiaconnects tag. This went a long way to reinforce Nokia´s commitment to “Connecting People”. On Twitter alone, it’s estimated that 750,000 people were exposed to the tag. The Social Media Week homepage received 180,000 visits and 80,000 visited the live stream channels direct from the events.
Social media and word-of-mouth marketing aren’t just about using online social networks, though. After all, the vast majority of word-of-mouth recommendations are made offline. So it was equally important to be at the events themselves. As well as Nokia employees, 24 leading bloggers who post about Nokia were invited to specific events.
Nokia also wanted to make a bit of a splash with this outside the blogosphere, though, and so, over the week, 22 Nokia N8 devices were given away to people using the #nokiaconnects hashtag at Social Media Week events. We called this aspect “Random Acts of Kindness”. There’s a few of them in the video below.
Did you get involved in social media week?