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AUSTIN, USA – Ever had a great mobile phone idea? Maybe a great idea for an app? Maybe something that could even improve the world? …Wanted to share the idea with others? Others who my share the same idea? Then share that idea with people who can make your idea happen? If that’s a big fat yes, which probably is if you’re a reader of this blog, then you should check out Nokia’s all new IdeasProject, launched here at SXSW.

IdeasProject is a web-based, innovation community where application ethusiasts (consumers, developers, anyone) can join, share and collaboratively create applications for mobile platforms. Participants can create or respond to innovation “challenges” and work together to solve the challenges. First launched in English, it will soon be in Spanish, Chinese, and Finnish.

The first challenge is called “Apps That Change the World”. This challenge asks the community to share their ideas for ways to use mobile applications to make a positive change in the world. Based on the best ideas shared, Nokia will produce a free appplication that will be distributed on the Ovi Store.

Have a look around, it’s a gorgeous new site. See if anyone’s ideas resonate with you, or create an idea of your own!

So what’s an idea you’ve had burning on your mind?