Vimeo is where serious filmmakers and video creators showcase their work. Now Nokia is getting together with Vimeo to award innovative mobile filmmaking. In Nokia Shorts 2011, there’s a serious $10,000 top prize and Edinburgh International Film Festival screenings to be won. Two of the top creative guys from Vimeo and Nokia tell us why.
Filmmaking as an artistic medium has always been the successful mix of technical innovation and creativity. Early filmmakers realized that to push the art form forward the technology needed to advance as well. From stereoscopic cameras and early 3D, right through to the Red One camera and digital cinematography, creativity came together off screen and on. Blake Whitman, Vimeo’s Vice President of Creative Development, thinks now is an exciting time for filmmakers. In The State of Mobile Filmmaking, Blake says as mobile film enters the HD era, easy access to quality footage is freeing filmmakers to try new angles and take a few risks.
Blake Whitman, Vice President of Creative Development at Vimeo, talks about the opportunities and challenges of mobile filmmaking. Shot on Nokia N8.
Now, Nokia N8 is obviously no Red One; it’s a phone. But as Blake says “Nokia N8 is not created to shoot a short film, but it can.” We like to think that this small, pocket-size contribution to the development of HD film technology adds a new dimension to mobile filmmaking. But like any advance in camera technology, Nokia N8 is waiting for artists willing to try something new. Steven Overman, Vice President of Marketing Creation at Nokia tells us more.
Steven Overman, Vice President of Marketing Creation at Nokia, introduces Nokia Shorts 2011. Shot on Nokia N8.
If you have a great idea for a short film, why not pitch it to the Nokia Shorts jury? Put up an innovative idea, a unique approach, or unusual angle: in short, something new. The jury waits to be wowed. If your pitch gets picked, Nokia will help get your movie made. Eight filmmakers will shoot their short with a $5,000 production budget and 2 Nokia N8s. All films will premiere at Edinburgh International Film Festival, with the Nokia Shorts 2011 Jury Prize & $10,000 cash going to the best mobile motion picture.
So let’s get rolling. Pitch your idea by 17th April to Nokia Shorts 2011. Good luck!