So, we now know the winner of Nokia Shorts and having marvelled at his fantastic work, Splitscreen: A Love Story, we’re hungry for more. Luckily for us, a feast awaits. While JW Griffiths picked up the winners prize, there are still 7 more finalists shorts that make for delightful viewing, so sit back and enjoy!
Our first short is Teemu Nikki’s touching tale of a fish, which unsurprisingly is called ‘A fish story’. Keep an eye out for the big twist at the end 🙂
A Fish Story from Teemu Nikki on Vimeo.
Next up is Joe Marcantonio’s short, Dirt, which is set in a post-apocalyptic world in which a viral epidemic has wiped out most of humanity.
Dirt from Joe Marcantonio on Vimeo.
Josh Brook’s ‘The Rider’ takes us deep into cowboy country with his take on a western.
The Rider from Josh Brooks on Vimeo.
Daniel is Aurora Fearnley’s drama fantasy about one person coming to terms with their special gift. Think Harry Potter but darker…
Daniel from aurora fearnley on Vimeo.
4 down, 3 to go. Keep an eye on Nseries for the remaining shorts which we’ll be showing in the next couple of days!