GLOBAL – Roll on Friday. That’s what we all murmur during the week isn’t it? Well it’s here. Finally. Not only does that mean the weekend is in sight but it’s also a time where we turn to the rest of the Web in order to find interesting or miscellaneous things we might’ve missed during the week. Find out what’s made it onto our radar this week, in our Friday Pick and Mix – it’s mostly NFC and Symbian Anna, by the way.
The Museum of London has began using NFC technology in a way of bringing the old history into the present. Old and new combined, if you will. Want to find out about a particular piece of history you see? Tap your NFC-enable phone onto the item to find out all about it. Want to test it out? Head on over the the Museum of London this summer to give it a try for yourself.
- Here we have Mark Guim from The Nokia Blog going through the features that were brought to us with the new Symbian Anna update, released yesterday.
- We’re all excited about the arrival of Symbian Anna, but probably more so are the owners of the Nokia C7, as it activates the NFC chip that’s stored inside. The video – from flyav8rboi – above shows an OTA update on a Nokia C7. If you’ve got a Nokia C7 and haven’t update yet, give it a try.
- Whatleydude loads up his Nokia Oro and tries a bit of NFCing, too. See how easy it is? It looks like their NFC-enabled tag was is one of the ones from available to purchase from the NFC hub. But we could be wrong.
What else should we have been reading or watching this week? Let us know, below.