Here is a hands free kit we can guarantee you’ve never seen before. The astonishing image below shows Trevor Prideaux with his new mobile phone limb. Trevor is a middle aged catering manager from Somerset who has become the first human being ever to have a mobile phone built into their prosthetic limb . More importantly, he is the first human to have a Nokia mobile phone, the Nokia C7 to be precise, built into their arm:
“I was born without my arm so I’m used to adapting to things. I wondered whether it was possible to have a mobile phone built into my limb.The phone slots smoothly and securely within my limb and is easily removable, when required. I think this would help a lot of people with prosthetic arms, especially those who were not born with the disability.” Courtesy of The Telegraph
Picture Courtesy of: PCMAG.COM
Trevor is a shining example of how disabled mobile phone users can quite literally immerse themselves in up-to-date mobile phone technology. This would have never been possible a decade ago, but the ball has now well and truely started rolling, all thanks to the Exeter Mobility Center (EMC). It took the specialist medical technicians five weeks to create the fiber mold and build the smartphone into the limb, now Trevor can use Facebook, Twitter and access emails on the go. The ability to order food supplies, check stock levels and always remain contactable are integral to all catering managers. Trevor has clearly embraced the new technology to remain ahead of the game.
Picture courtesy of Herald Sun
Trevor had this to say about the Nokia C7:
“The phone has both a QWERTY and alphanumeric keyboard, which is easier for me to use. Now when I get a call I can either hold my arm up to my ear or put it on speaker phone. I can also take it out if I need to. Texting is also much easier and a lot safer”.
Courtesy of The Telegraph
How have you built a Nokia phone into your life? Do you know of any inspirational stories like the one above? Well feel free to head to @Nokia_Connects and let us know.