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November 29, 2011

Nokia E7 – a review, a comparison, an unboxing

It’s the Holy Trinity of phone reviewing!

Usually we cover these separately, or with one tacked on to the end of the other…(‘Now you’ve read the review, check out the unboxing’). But now, just because we can, @Nokia_Connects brings you all three, in one post. For your reading/viewing pleasure 🙂

First up is the review, the standard by which anyone with a phone and wishing to share their thoughts is judged. Shiro Nomad from Phones Tablet has done just that, shared thoughts.

The take away phrase from the review:

“[The] Nokia E7 has blow[n] fresh wind to the market. [With its} Stylish and sophisticated design”

Go have a read, check out the rest of Shiro’s musings.

Next up, the central part of the trio. A comparison. Who better to deliver this than the guys at Mobile Phone Compare? The name of the site kind of says it all. They have chosen to compare the Nokia E7 to none other than the N8, so it has quite a high standard to meet.

Sensibly, they say that

“The answer lies in how [you] use your Nokia”

If you’re a communicator who uses email, Twitter and IM more than any other function of a phone, then the Nokia E7 is for you – it’s all about the QWERTY keyboard. If you’re a producer (photos, videos etc.) then the N8 might be your cup of tea. That said, the camera on the E7 ‘gives excellent results’. So, read, consider and digest the comparison

And last, but by no means least (heck no!), an unboxing video that just speaks for itself. Check out the little guy at the end who is knocked out by the E7 🙂

So, have you got an element of the Holy Trinity (review, comparison, unboxing) you’d like to share? Think we’ve missed anything you’ve had to say? Do let us know, we’re always listening @Nokia_Connects 🙂