This week we have an abundance of stunning photography projects which should provide not only a visual feast for your eyes but also perhaps just enough inspiration for you to go out and attempt something similar. In every Nokia Connects You subject today, there is a little something for everyone.
Let’s kick off shall we?
1. Sticker crazy!
The post that these next couple of images are borrowed from is entitled “This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids” – and they couldn’t have put it better!
Thanks to the Queensland Museum of Modern Art for this fantastic piece of work.
2. Time Lapse-tastic
This video comes our way from one Janna Bastow, who describes the work as ‘stunning’. We have to agree.
343 days.
17 countries.
19 planes.
58 buses.
18 boats.
6237 photographs.
Incredible. Take a look –
Moving on.
3. A feet feat
Keeping the theme of travel from item two, this next project is one that really makes us smile (and not for the reason that you’d think).
This couple decided to document their travelling adventures with their feet – entitled ‘Feet First’, we think this is an incredibly cute way to capture the moments around you. But, if you click through and see the full set, you’ll see a truly beautiful story unfold right before your very eyes.
Get to it.
4. 365 Project – The Effort
One of our favourite places to find new and exciting things on the internet is a place called Brandflakes for Breakfast. This week, they’ve managed to locate something known as the 365 project.
Just like the couple above you could start your very own ‘one pic a day’ project and the 365 project helps you do just that. Alright we’re already a week into 2012, but we won’t tell anyone you’ve missed a few. Go on, you know you want to…
5. 365 Project – The Result
And, if you do manage to complete a 365 project, you might end up with something a little bit like the image below. Maybe.
What you’re looking at here is a year-long exposure of the Toronto skyline. One pin-hole camera, 365 days and a monumental amount of patience has produced the gorgeous image above.
Detail on how can be found over on The Star, but before you go – why not leave us a comment and lets us know what kind of photography project you might be kicking off this year?
What kind of results will we be seeing from you in 365 days?
We can’t wait to find out… but I guess waiting is what this kind of work is all about. Damn! 🙂