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January 14, 2012

Nokia App Saturday – All About….spiders?

Time for the All About… boys to take over this week as I dive into their excellent app coverage from the last week.

via Midlifegamer

First up, Ewan has played and rated Spider Jack. He gives it a more than respectable 82%, and his description of the gameplay far outdoes anything I could manage (HINT – go have a read). One of the major plus points of the game is the fact that there is no ‘arbitrary time limit’, allowing you to plot your progress in a ‘no pressure’ situation. Also featuring is the 3 star system – you can complete a level without gaining any stars, but true finesse is rewarded, allowing your level select screen to be filled with golden indicators of your prowess.

Moving on to Ewan’s partner in publishing, Steve Litchfield, who has produced Part Two of his app comparison table. If you haven’t seen this yet, Steve takes popular apps from Android, and investigates whether there is the same or equivalent app available for the Symbian platform. Part One took the top twenty commercial apps, and this time looks at ‘actual free applications that perform an actual function’ (as opposed to trivial novelty apps). The table makes for some interesting reading, and proves to the naysayers about app availability on Symbian that there is a level of parity (with some exceptions, as Steve highlights).

Some app-tastic Saturday reading there for you – so what do you think? Played Spider Jack on your Lumia yet? Did Steve’s table open your eyes? Let us know @Nokia_Connects