I’m looking at Nokia Belle today, and what better way to have a look at an OS than to take a look at some of the phones it is available on?
So without further ado – the Nokia 700. Samir Makwana has been taking a look at the phone for The Mobile Indian. I’ll skip to the page on which he discusses the interface (page 3, for reference) and where he states that Nokia Belle:
delivers a fresh user experience with intuitive navigation and edge-less icons
He discusses the aesthetics of how screens look with Belle, and mentions the ‘spiffy’ multi-tasking menu. More importantly, he talks about how:
[for] Nokia loyalists who would be jumping from Symbian S60v3 or S60v5, this experience would be really welcoming. Even for those switching from a handset with a proprietary user interface, Belle with simple navigation is quite easy to adapt to.
Samir’s a fan then, so let’s see who else has tried Nokia Belle. Pacman27turn28 has a Nokia 603 and has made a (slightly sideways) video of all the functions that he uses which demonstrated Belle rather well. The soundtrack is quite nice too:
For a different look at Nokia Belle, iGyaan has included his thoughts as part of his unboxing and review of the Nokia 701. If you’re interested in *just* what he has to say about Belle, skip to the 4 minute mark:
Interestingly, he compares the OS to a competitor, saying that it is ‘becoming more and more like Android every day’. Do you agree? He goes on to say that the OS is ‘very smooth’, and has some ‘very cool’ features, like the slight vibration when the scrolling comes to the end of a list.
Have you had a chance to get hands on with Nokia Belle? Or are you waiting with eager anticipation? Got any thoughts on what you have seen today? Let us know in the comments, or drop us a line @Nokia_Connects