Via Symbian Tweet
So why should you be following what’s going on? Here’s our Top 5 reasons why…
1. Putting a face to an @
As the global headline sponsor of the event, Nokia will be connecting people the world over adding their twist to proceedings like they have been doing for the last two times SMW took place in cities around the world. It’s your chance to meet like-minded individuals – getting together and discussing social media face to face is a great way to share, get new ideas and see what others are using the tools at their disposal for. Putting faces to names is always fun too – meeting those you tweet can never be a bad thing.
2. Nokia has been connecting people since the start
There’s been some super cool Nokia ‘stuff’ in the past, like the Foursquare-enabled Nokia vending machine that was in Glasgow last time round and will be in London this time round. Simply checking in rewarded visitors with a special surprise, anything from a candy bar to a brand new Nokia phone. And there were the random acts such as the British gift bag and awesome Nokia pizza that found their way to a few people in September.
Via GoMo News
3. The chance to get involved at some great events
There are some awesome and fun events – just like the Ignite event in San Francisco last year. Five slides, 20 minutes, open forum – what would you talk about? There were some inspirational, moving and downright entertaining subjects covered from ‘How Wine Saved The World’ to ‘How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Start Following My Mom on Twitter’. This year promises to be even better with a Social Media Beer Pong tournament in New York, #KittenCamp in London, and the GIF Party in Washington D.C……and that’s just Monday night!
4. The special mobile app
There’s a mobile app to track what’s going on and where. That’s kind of ace, isn’t it? Not only that, but it’s available at the Nokia Store right now. I just downloaded it, so I’ll be right on top of things in San Francisco. Come find me.
5. It’s everywhere
…well 12 cities round the world, and we’ll be at 5 of them. Yes, that’s right – Hong Kong, Singapore, London, New York and San Francisco are all going to be attended by Nokia Connects, find us if you can 🙂
Are you going to be at Social Media Week? Let us know @Nokia_Connects or by leaving a comment and we’ll be sure to find you during the week.