GLOBAL – Over the past five days, people have been gathering all over the globe to join the biggest conversation of them all – about rising trends in social and mobile media. But, with Nokia as the Global headline sponsor, Social Media Week comes to an end today and we’re taking a look back at some of the live events.
The world has gone mad for social networks. I’m a member of several, and you probably are, too. Right? They’re very useful and also powerful for communicating and sharing absolutely anything you want.
Currently, if you like something you read or watch on the Web, chances are you’ll hit the Facebook like button, or tweet it to your followers. There’s no easier way to tell your friends what you enjoy.
But what about the Future of Sharing? A discussion panel of people from Nokia, Facebook, Microsoft and Reuters talked about the benefits of network connections and how sharing content from mobile phones is set to increase, becoming more relevant to people in the process.
The Psychology of Online Influence looked at how we, as consumers, respond to certain types of media.
If brands or companies want us to react in a certain way, they can use this science to their advantage. And for the majority of the time, we have no idea they’re doing it.
This is a really interesting discussion on how you can use similar tactics to create a stronger online influence. But, at the same time, this has to be balanced by ethics.
When it comes to tweeting or sharing content on our Facebook profiles, there are times when we all look at other people’s updates and think to ourselves, “Ooh, I’m not sure I would’ve said that.” or “What was she thinking?”. From time to time, you might even be that person.
The seven deadly sins in the real-world are all common knowledge, but do they translate to our online activities? Well, the how and why we share: 7 deadly sins of SM session explores that question.
Apparently, the sins run in parallel in both spheres. For example, 4 in 10 people show gluttonous behavior online. That’s almost half. There’s lots to learn here about how we can all use social media in a better way.
Amateur film makers often find it hard to market their productions due to huge costs. Using social media can be a cheap – if not totally free – way of getting word out to the masses. The trouble is that with hundreds of millions of people all posting content, how will you get noticed?
It needs to be unique and it needs to be exciting.
There are of course lots of other ways, too, and the how to market your film using social media seminar goes into great detail to help you get your movie noticed.
The sound quality on all of these videos can cut in and out from time-to-time due to their live nature, so I’d advise plugging in a set of headphones so you don’t miss what’s being said.
Did you attend any of the Social Media Week sessions this week? Or, have you watched any of the Livestreams? Let us know, using the comments section below.