via deathbyrobots
Jess Ratcliffe is a young and ambitious entrepreneur who masterminded the successful video game swapping website GaBoom. Like many 10 year old gaming fanatics – Jess used to swap her video games with friends and neighbours – thus broadening her gaming horizons in an affordable manner. Her first business venture was essentially spawned from this activity of shared experience.
The online user to user video game exchange GaBoom launched in July 2010 and now attracts a broad array of users between the ages of 10 and 30 years old. All users can join online for free and there is a never-ending list of games for the most popular consoles out there. But how does it all work?
via JessGaBoom
GaBoom aims to provide gamers with a place where they can swap their video games as quickly and efficiently as possible. Jess was still studying at university before she took a year out to turn her business idea into a dream. She searched for advice from the British Library and was then given a grant to get her business up and running:
The simple and joyous idea of swapping video games as a 10 year old gave Jess the idea for her first business venture. So I ask, what is stopping you from doing exactly the same thing? Turning a simple idea into a dream business?
Let me know if you are a budding social innovator or entrepreneur and we will try to feature you in this post within the coming weeks on Nokia Connects. Tweet me using the hashtag #NokiaJM @Nokia_Connects and tell me about your current start-up or someone you know who is excelling with their new business venture!