via SlashGear
DrTechn0logy is ‘very, very happy’ with the E6 and has shared a review – it comes in two parts (so it must be good). Part One starts with the full body run down as you might come to expect, with handy tips like how to use the unlock button to turn the dual LED flash into a torch. It’s the most comprehensive look at the E6 that I’ve seen to date:
There’s more! Part 2 covers the photo gallery, settings, Quick Office, the 8MP camera and much more. It really is a good guide to the phone, and ideal for anyone looking for a detailed look at the Nokia E6.
Next, just to scratch the unboxing itch, some E7 goodness as it comes out of its retail packaging. It was filmed at a media launch, so is predictably a little …’hectic’, but gives a great indication of what’s what. Jam Ancheta talks us though the contents, and as a bonus, even shares a video showing the USB On The Go feature.
Got any E6 or E7 stories to share? Drop us a line @Nokia_Connects or leave a comment/link below.