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March 24, 2012

A phototastic week: 7 days with the Nokia 808 PureView

If the first taster you had of the Nokia 808 PureView was the video Nokia teased us with days before the launch, you’re not alone. An astounding three hundred thousand people have watched it so far. Alisa Javits, the woman who took the beautiful shots featured, was one of the first people to get hold of the world’s best camera smartphone. We caught up with to find out what she thought of her seven phototastic days.

Thanks for taking the time to talk, Alisa. Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Sure, I’m currently studying photography (MA) in Aalto University of Art and Design in Helsinki. I graduated from Stockholm University in 2009 with art history and visual culture as my main subject. Besides photography I work with video. You can see more of my work on my blog.

Have you used mobile phone cameras much before? 

No, I haven’t. I’m used to carrying my camera around. When I first got hold of the Nokia 808 PureView, the first thing I felt was uncertainty. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to master the device and take pictures.

What did you think when you took your first photo?

I took around 300 photos, but the first one was underexposed! I thought, maybe I just need a bit of time at the beginning to find the right way to handle the camera and make it do what I want.

How does using the Nokia 808 compare to using a normal camera?  

The screen is really nice and you can see the picture clearly. It’s also good that you can use zoom and use manual settings for the shoot. I liked that it’s so small compared to normal cameras, which makes it easy to carry around. The touch-screen was complicated to me. I missed the physical buttons of the normal camera.

 What did you like best about using it and why?

I enjoyed the opportunity to use manual settings and the good zoom. Both give you more possibilities and freedom in making the picture. I think it’s best for every day moments, since the camera is always with you. It would be perfect for documentation, travel, sketches, etc.

Do you think it will change the way people take digital photographs?

I think for people who want to always have a camera with them and even want to print the pictures, 808 can make it easier. The quality of the pictures allows you to make pretty big prints, A3 at least. Personally, I’d consider using it for documentary projects where I couldn’t use my professional camera.

We hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about Alisa’s escapades as much as us. If you’ve anything you like to ask Alisa about her phototastic week with the world’s best camera smartphone, please drop us a line here or @Nokia_Connects.