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March 26, 2012

The photography edition of the Nokia Connects Live podcast

via sessionmasters

Here, at Nokia Connects, we love our photography. And we’re always on the look out for stories that make us go WOW. So, what better way to start the week than with a podcast that combines the two. If you want to kick off Monday with some unique insights, sit back and enjoy a fascinating interview with three very different men involved in three very different types of photography projects.

Damian Dinning – Head of Imaging Experiences, Nokia Smart Devices, has dedicated his working life to creating the world’s best camera smartphones.

John Suler – Professor of Psychology at Rider University, has spent his time researching why we’re so obsessed with taking photos.

Dennis Manarchy, has gone on an amazing adventure across America, with the world’s largest camera, to chronicle vanishing cultures of the USA.

To hear what they have to say, tune into our latest addition of the Nokia Connects Live podcast:

We hope you enjoyed this phototastic discussion as much as us. As ever we’d love to hear your thoughts here or at @Nokia_Connects.