- Do you think you can code? Got a killer idea for an app? The Code Warrior is coming. A hack-a-thon tour designed to discover the next amazing app for the Lumia range with ‘a bounty’ on offer for the best ideas starts in May in Texas. Time to get your app on.
- For those apps already out there in the marketplace, we turn to Jay and his most excellent Lumiappaday series. Recent posts have taken in exploding gerbils, celebrity news and check-in stalwart foursquare. But for our review this week I’ve chosen Jay’s take on Squirrel.
Looks kind of fun, but I’d have to turn the music off. One question, though, how tall is that tree?
- News of an app revision now. Kik has been updated and is now available on Nokia phones running Symbian^3, Anna, Belle, and S60v5. For a messaging alternative, it might be worth checking out on the Nokia Store.
- Finally, another video review for the Nokia N9 enthusiasts among you (and I know there are plenty). This time Izzi gets his hands on TranslateAll on his N9. He reckons its ‘nifty’ and he’s impressed by the voice feature which plays the phrase you have chosen to translate into the new language. I can see this coming in very useful when on holidays abroad when you can’t find the train station, or need assistance. Izzi is ‘really, really impressed’.
That’s it for this week. Consider yourself up to date on the app news. If I missed anything, or if you have an app review you’d like to see featured here, hit me up on Twitter using the #NCAppReport tag or drop me a comment below and I’ll do my best to include it next week.