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Kinect Star Wars on Nokia Lumia

GLOBAL – A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . .  developers were busy making a new app that would make connecting to your friends on Facebook and Twitter more fun. Today, the Kinect Star Wars app lands on your Nokia Lumia smartphone, for free.

For fans of the Star Wars series of films, you’ll love this Kinect Star Wars app. It provides the usual latest news feeds from both Facebook and Twitter, as well as giving you sound bites from R2-D2 and C-3PO.

As well as showing you the latest updates from your friends or followers, you can check out your profile details so you can keep an eye on your stats, and also read through those tweets you assigned to your favourites list.

All feeds on Kinect Star Wars app

Kinect Star Wars profile details

Posting an update with Kinect Star Wars app with location

Kinect Star Wars game and console

When it comes to posting a tweet or a status update, the post icon at the bottom of the screen takes care of that. Fill in what you want to tell the world, add your location or even a photo if you wish. The two buttons at the top of the screen represent Facebook and Twitter, select or deselect at will depend on where you want that message to appear.

Kinect Star Wars app crawl intro
Kinect Star Wars feed crawl

While all of this is useful for any social networker, the fun bit is turning your news feed into the style of the iconic Star Wars opening title sequence, known at the opening crawl. Turn your phone on its side, listen to the Star Wars theme tune and watch as your friends’ updates scroll from the bottom of the page and fade out into the distance, in true Star Wars style.

Kinect Star Wars QR code

You can download Kinect Star Wars directly from your Nokia Lumia 610, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 800 or Nokia Lumia 900, from the Windows Phone Marketplace. Or by scanning this QR code with your Nokia Lumia smartphone.

Have you installed the Kinect Star Wars app? Use the force – or preferably, the comments section below – to let us know.