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May 5, 2012

App Report: Windows, Star Wars and a chance to pitch to Nokia

Time to delve into the world of apps – one of the main reasons a lot of people have a phone in the first place. Calls, texts, apps – ask the man or woman on the street, that’s the 3 key things people are looking for nowadays.

First up this week, news that since the signing of the agreement between Nokia and Microsoft there has been a 300 percent rise in the weekly number of apps submitted to the Marketplace. Talking to Fierce Developer, Nokia’s Senior Vice President of Developer Experience and Marketplace Marco Agrenti has revealed that 17,000 of the 25,000 Lumia phones promised have so far been seeded to developers. He also said that Nokia is trying to have ‘as deep a relationship as possible with the developers and provide concrete support’ to teams wanting to develop for the Metro UI. Good news for developers, better news for consumers as the choice of apps grows and grows.

via Xbox

With a nod to the fact that yesterday was Star Wars Day (05/04 – May the 4th be with you), a look at the Kinect app that blends the gameplay and your social media accounts (the feeds of which you can view like the famous scrolling title sequence). This video (in English, with Spanish subtitles), will give you a better idea:

May the Force always be with you.

When I was at university, the closest we got to working in the real world was in any work experience we managed to grab in the Summer holidays. Not so the students on the Boston University Media Ventures course who had to pitch an app that they had developed to actual Nokia Execs. Scary stuff, but it seems to have gone very well…

Well done them!

Finally, news for anyone who has been using the ESPN app. An update is now available that adds support for the Live Tile.

So that’s that for another App Report. If you see anything you’d like including next week, let me know in the comments, or drop me a line on Twitter using the #NCAppReport hashtag.