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June 11, 2012

Hot off the press: Technology today

We have a new and exciting feature here on Nokia Connects where we bring you the hottest stories from around the world relating to Tech, Creativity and Innovation. So to kick off the first of our Tech roundups, we have the ultimate gift for geeks in love: heart emoticon bookends.

via etsy


Twitter have launched their first hashtag page this week in association with Nascar. The new feature, announced by Omid Ashtari in a blog post last week, uses algorithms to bring together in one place the most interesting content tweeted about the races under the hashtag #Nascar. As another new first, the microblogging site took to television to promote the hashtag page with the first Twitter TV adverts ever produced.

A still from Twitter’s first ever TV ad, via softpedia


In other news, jogging fans out there will be pleased to hear that they could soon be sharing their morning/evening run with a flying robot. Developed by Australian research centre Exertion Games Lab, the ‘joggobot’ (yes, really) is designed to recognise graphics on your shirt, and will always stay a specified distance from you – that is, unless you put it in ‘coach mode’, when it will race ahead and force you to catch up. Not your usual running companion, but who knows, we could soon be seeing joggers everywhere with little flying buddies!


And for the really tech minded, there’s the exciting astronomical development announced in that the Hubble telescope has spotted a bright spark in a nearby spiral galaxy. I have no idea what most of those words mean, but I’m pretty sure it proves the existence of aliens (or something like that…!)


To round off this first edition of Technology Today, we have this comical little video by Isabel Fay and Clever Pie all about the woes of internet trolls that has already gone viral. This song is a tribute to anyone who has ever had to deal with rude or annoying comments on their blogs, and is sure to make you chuckle!

That’s it for today, stay tuned for our roundups on Technology, Innovation and Creativity every day this week!